The ‘GRAPSA EDUCATIONAL GROUP PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY’, under the trade name ‘GRAPSA EDUCATIONAL GROUP P.L.C’, is headquartered at 102 Imittou street, Athens, registered at the Directorate of Financial Services of Athens under Tax Identification Number 998088303, and will henceforth be referred to as ‘Company’, while the website will henceforth be referred to as ‘Site’, and the visitor to the website will henceforth be referred to as ‘User’.
The Company explicitly declares that it will protect the personal data of its users on its site, who fill out contact forms or simply browse the webpage.
This information is provided by the User on their own volition, while those who browse the site are not required to give details considered personal data.
The User may ask the Company questions and for the Company to be able to respond it is necessary that details such as name and surname, telephone number and email address be provided, or a residential address, etc. for the participation of the User in any upcoming scheduled Franchise Event.
In any event, the Company explicitly declares that it does not use this data for promotional purposes except only for relevant information regarding the Franchise Event and about the particular franchise the User is interested in.
In witness whereof, the Company and its competent executives collect the personal data of the User in order to contact them about matters concerning the Event and to respond to possible questions. The User may contact the competent executives through the contact form, and by telephone at 210 7565 300.
The Company guarantees that it will not transfer personal data of its users, unless requested by the competent authorities, in accordance with the provisions of the law, and that the User, as entitled to by the General Data Protection Regulation, may request that all their personal data be erased.